
About Us

Gulfstar Corporation a Wyoming corporation established in 2007 as an oil and gas and real estate investment company. Currently the company has interests in the United States, Europe and Asia. About Us


Oil & Gas Investment Services

Our Oil & Gas interests include owning royalty, overriding royalty and working interests as well as direct equity ownership of many large and small global energy companies. Services


Mid-Infrastructure Investment Services

Our Mid-Infrastructure Investment Services are similar to our Oil and Gas services and include owning royalty, overriding royalty and working interests as well as direct equity ownership of many large and small global energy companies.Services

Gulfstar Aviation

Mark Butler of Gulfstar Aviation, LLC is an out growth of Gulfstream Airlines, Inc. also a CT corporation I organized in 1977. Services offered our aircraft sales & leasing. Flight Instruction, I am a FAA Certified Flight Instructor (CFI) and current to date (2018) for 46 years. Are mission interests are more working with professional flight departments for initial and recurrent training programs currency and standardization systems. Though Mr. Butler is licensed for private commercial, instrument and multi-engine instruction the bottom line is we work with wealthy individuals who buy expensive aircraft and teach them to fly safely.

Gulfstar News

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Mark F. Butler, Founder and President of Gulfstar Corporation, Offers an Interesting Solution to the Challenges Companies Face in Depressed Industries

All companies or individuals have monthly fixed expenses, there is no way around that. In a perfect world your company would have products as the revenue source and in the pricing of these products would include the total cost of doing business and hopefully after all expenses are paid a little left over for a profit. That simple equation…

CEO of Gulfstar Corporation Mark F. Butler Examines Inevitable Petroleum Industry Consolidation

“Drill baby drill,” that mantra may have serious economic consequences in a fragile industry. As the price of oil continues to drop possibly billions of dollars of assets could be idled because of cost feasibility due to over capacity and market pricing. It is the simple law of supply and demand and market forces.

Consolidation is inevitable says …

Mark F. Butler, Founder and President of Gulfstar Corporation, Offers an Interesting Solution to the Challenges Companies Face in Depressed Industries

All companies or individuals have monthly fixed expenses, there is no way around that. In a perfect world your company would have products as the revenue source and in the pricing of these products would include the total cost of doing business and hopefully after all expenses are paid a little left over for a profit. That simple equation only…

Our Expertise

Interested in learning more about our investment, Real Estate and Aviation services?